Taranath Shikshana Samsthe

     Raichur Education Society was later Christened as Taranath Shikshana Samsthe as a mark of respect to the founder late Pandit Taranath. Sri. Bhawarlal Somani was the FirstPresident and Sri.G.K.Rajpurohit was the Secretary. Sri. Soma Raman Gouda was theresident during 1965-87. Late. Sri.M.Nagappa, took over as the Secretary in 1971.During this period, B.R.B. College of Commerce, S.S.R.G. Women’s College & S.C.A.B. Law College were established. The present President Sri. Parasmal Sukhani took over in 1987 and since then several new job oriented courses, like B.B.M., B.C.A., P.G. Diploma in Fashion Design Technology and new subjects like Computer Science, Microbiology and Bio-Technology have been introduced. The postgraduate courses in physics and chemistry have been established. And there has been a special focus on quality Education.

    The present Management, under the stewardship of President Sri. Parasmal Sukhani and General Secretary Sri Nandapur Srinivas Rao, comprising eminent persons drawn from different walks of society, is known for its commitment, dedicaon and transparency. Selfless and self-effacing members-present and past, have put their heart and soul to ensure that quality educaon is imparted to the people of this educaonally backward area, the poor and needy in parcular, at an affordable fees.

       The General council has 36 members and each Instuon is administered by a Managing Commiee.