

1) Traditional combinations suitable for rural & urban students.

2) Provide good opportunities based on the choice of the student and their interest.

3) Students with this course can go for the higher education.

4) The course allows the B.A. graduate to purse higher education in law and M.S.W.

5) B.A. graduates can go for competitive examination like KAS & IAS etc.

6) This course has potential which help students to mould according to the career path.

higher studies in archology and archive and tourisms curators in the museum.

7) The course also suit the urban students who are aspiring for challenging careers in this

competitive world like banking, social survey.



1) There is good scope for graduates, financial analyst, HRD, marketing.

2) Provide students competence and skills in setting up their own consultancies.

3) There is good demand for B.Com graduates in manufacturing companies, industry, banks, financial institutions, NGO’s, LIC and multinational companies.

4) B.Com with computer application course like information technology computerised accounting; fundamental of C-language & C++ programmes help students to meet the requirements of the technical competencies.

5) Students can go for higher education M.Com, CA, ICWA & CS.