Library Profile:
College library was established in the year of 1970. The college library follows set of norms of the competent authorities. The college library is on first floor in a space of 2000 sq ft. With a separate reading hall, circulation, network resource reference, second floor consists of 2010sq ft. with a separate reference section, periodical section, competitive book corner, display of new arrivals and so on, we provide service as a central information center for students and facilities. There are 29957 books, 9 journals (both national and international), 9 magazines, 8 news papers, available for students and staff to go through, there is also a book bank facility for the students belonging to SC/ST and minorities. Along with services we adapt the best practices and implement it for the benefits. The highly advanced software (E-Lib 20.2 Pro) a cloud version, is used;, All, Books, Journals, Periodicals, articles, Thesis, & photos of Important nature can be stored in this software and Previous Year Question Papers, Model Answer Sheets related Documents also be used for Staff & Students reference. The stored materials can be shared with Staff & Students through Group in the form of SMS & E-Mails. Software contains details about authors name title and publishers. Libraries has a special facility called OPAC which allows user to search library holding, a user can access the bibliographic details of book from OPAC. Data base like inflibnet is actively used in library. Classification of books is done based on DDC.Mission
The Collage Libraries strengthen and enhance the teaching, research and service of the Collage. The Libraries promote intellectual growth and creativity by developing collections, facilitating access to information resources, teaching the effective use of information resources and critical evaluation skills and offering research assistance.Vision
The Collage Libraries are engaged in learning and discovery as essential participants in the educational community. We develop, organize, provide access to and preserve materials to meet the needs of present and future generations of students. We explore and implement innovative technologies and services to deliver information and scholarly resources conveniently to users anytime/anyplace. We also provide well-equipped and functional physical spaces where students can pursue independent learning and discovery outside the classroom.Goals
- Assist in meeting the information needs of the user community.
- Identify and procure materials necessary for its collections.
- Disseminate information through electronic resources.
- Provide bibliographic access to materials held by the Library through accepted cataloging techniques.
- Preserve and conserve the library collection.
- Foster information literacy through formal and informal instruction in the use of information resources and services.
- Increase user awareness through promotion of library services and resources.
- Evaluate periodically services offered by the Library.
- Comply with copyright regulations and educate users about intellectual property issues.
- Support ongoing staff training and education.
- To Collect information which supports the curricular and research needs of the University and, in collaboration with other research institutions.
- To Facilitate use of the collection.
- To Ensure the availability of materials for future users.
- To Anticipate and respond effectively to the needs of its users.
- To Maintain its commitment to access to information.
- To Ensure expert management of its resources and services.
Library Timings
Monday to Friday: 9:30 AM to 05:30 PM
Library Staff:
Sl. No | Name of the Faculty | Designation & Qualification |
1 | Sri. Gangya Naik. N | Librarian (MLISc.K-SET.PGDLAN.)G-Profile |
2 | Smt. Umadevi | Library.Assistant-(B.Lib) |
3 | Sri. Rohith | Attender-(SSLC) |
4 | Smt. Savaramma | Sweeper |
A library has been formed to cater to the teaching and learning needs of the students and faculty.
Library Committee Members:
Sl.No | Name of the Faculty | Designation |
1 | Sri.Sanjay Pawar Principal | Chairman |
2 | Sri.Gangya Naik.N Librarian | Convener |
3 | Dr.Venkatappa Naik | Member |
4 | Smt.Gouri Pallakki | Member |
5 | Dr.Doddappa Kyatnal | Member |
6 | Sri.Sannaveeranagouda | Member |
7 | Dr Rajeswari | Member |
8 | Dr.Tayamma | Member |
9 | Dr.Shyma Gaikwad | Member |
10 | Miss.Triveni | Member |
11 | Smt.waheeda Begum | Member |
To provide the opportunity to the staff and students to discuss information needs and expectations.
To advise library on policy matters concerning services and facilities.
To provide the opportunity to the staff to discuss the initiatives for the growth and enrichment of the library.
Rules Governing the Use of Library:
- The library will remain open from 9:30AM to 5.30 PM on all working days. Except Sunday and Public holidays.
- Identity Card will be issued to Graduate students by the librarian on an application to be made in the prescribed form. The Identity card will be valid for one academic year only. May be cancelled in the middle of the year by the Principal of the Advisory Board on the recommendation of the Librarian or Head of the Department in case of infringement of any of the Library Rule or for misconduct.
- Every graduate student shall be required to show, while entering the library, the Identity card to attendant at the counter and write his/her name and Identity card No. in the Register provided for the purpose, or demanded by the Library staff, the student is required to show the identity card.
- The following persons are entitled to make use of the books etc., within the library premises.
- Members of the authorities of the College and members of Committees and various Bodies appointed by the College authorities.
- Teachers of SSRG College.
- The SSRG College Employees.
- Student of the College Holding Identity Card.
- Student of the constituent /Affiliated colleges and recognized Institutions, recommended by the Head of Department /Institution
- Other person with special permission of the Principal of the Library Advisory Board or the Librarian.
- Identity Card will be issued to Graduate students by the librarian on an application to be made in the prescribed form. The Identity card will be valid for one academic year only. May be cancelled in the middle of the year by the Principal of the Advisory Board on the recommendation of the Librarian or Head of the Principal in case of infringement of any of the Library Rule or for misconduct.
- Every graduate / Research student shall be required to show, while entering the library, the Identity card to attendant at the counter and write his/her name and Identity card No. in the Register provided for the purpose, or demanded by the Library staff, the student is required to show the identity card.
Use of books:
- Every person taking a book out of the Library and every reader using a book within the Library shall be responsible for its safe custody and return, undamaged in any manner, and in the event of its being lost or damaged (including pencil or ink markings) he shall either replace the book or pay the compensation as may be fixed by the Library advisory Board.
- A new book shall not, normally, be taken out of the Library during the first week as it has to be classified and catalogued.
- Each student should get his/her identity card renewed after one year.
- Every Periodical Publication shall be displayed till the receipt of the next number and shall not normally be taken out of the Library.
- Manuscripts will not be issued outside the Library. They are to be referred within library with the special permission of the Principal of the Library Advisory Board/Librarian.
- Readers shall not write on, or damage, or turn down the leaves or make any mark on any book, manuscript or map belonging to the Library; nor shall they lay the paper on which they are writing on a book, manuscript or map etc belonging to the Library.
- Any reader noticing a defect in or damage to any book or manuscript in the Library should bring it to the notice of the Librarian or the Assistant Librarian on duty.
- No tracing, copying or mechanical reproduction of any book, map or manuscript shall be done without the permission of the Librarian.
Issue of Books:
- Any book, forming a part of the “Textbook Collection”, “Reference Collection”, or any book valuable for its rarity or its illustration or any manuscripts, shall not be borrowed from the Library by any readers, except with the permission of the Principal of the Library Advisory Board/Librarian.
- Any reader desirous of making an excerpt from a thesis or manuscripts (in possession of the Library) may do so with the prior permission of the Librarian and should acknowledge the same in his publication.
- Non-book material like maps, atlases, records, cassettes, e-resources etc will not be issued outside the Library.
- The books from the lending section shall be issued for purpose of study outside the Library against Borrower`s Cards as under:
- The results of the Student like Graduate. will not be announced unless they produce “No Due Certificate” from the Library.
- Only one book shall be issued against each Borrowers Ticket.
- In case of loss of a Borrowers Ticket, a duplicate ticket will be issued to the borrower on furnishing an affidavit made before the Librarian, explaining the circumstances in which the ticket was lost. The duplicate readers ticket will be issue of duplicate identity card.
- Books and other reading material borrowed from the Library are liable to be recalled, at any time, and shall be returned within seven days from the date of recall or earlier, if necessary.
- Graduate Students studying in different Departments of the College are entitled to borrow two books, at a time, from the lending Section for a period of 10 days. However, the same books may be reissued for two times, if there is no demand from others.
- Overdue Charges of Rs. 2.00 per day shall be levied on those students who fail to return the books within the prescribed period.
- The student’s borrower ticket will be tenable for a period of one year only and shall not be transferable but renewable, if necessary.
- In case of loss of a Borrowers ticket, a duplicate ticket will be issued to the borrower on furnishing an affidavit made before the Librarian, Explaining the circumstances in which the Ticket was lost. The charges for such duplicate ticket will be issue of duplicate B.T. card.
Other Rules:
- Loud talking, Conversation, Making noise, Using mobile phone, music playing over mobile or laptop and smoking is strictly prohibited in or near the library.
- The library advisory board has power to refuse admission to any one infringing the rules and regulations of the library.
- The users of the Library may suggest to the Libraries any book or journal for being acquired by the library and the suggestions so made will be considered by the Library Advisory Board.
- Every Graduate Student may ask for a working collection of about 100 books, which would be constantly required by the teachers and students of the department. The Head of the department shall be responsible for the safe custody of such books received in his department. The books shall however be returned to the Library at the end of every academic year.
Loss of Books:
- In view of increasing prices of book, a borrower who loses a book issued to him/her which is rare and not available for sale shall bear 6 times of the cost of book or Rs.500/- whichever is more.
- As far as possible, the borrower should replace the same book lost or its latest edition. (Where the earlier edition is not a rare book) (In case of books like old science books etc which have no value for rarity, the Face value of the book will be recovered).
- In case of books running in series or set, patrons shall make good the loss of the single volume lost, if it is available in the market, or pay the cost of the entire series or set in case the single volume is not available for sale and the entire set will be accepted as a substitute.
Internet Service:
- Internet service at the library is free for Students/faculties/staff of the college. However, the printing will be changed as per the rules.
Charging Desk:
- The issue shall be closed half an hour before closing the Library.
Warning Bell:
- A Warning bell will be given 15 minutes prior to the closure of the Library. All patrons shall immediately return the books, taken for reading, to the Assistants-in-charge and then leave the Library.
Personal Belongings:
- The facilities for depositing the personal belongings should be availed of only when patrons are actually making use of the Library. Under no circumstances shall valuable articles or cash be deposited with the Attendant at the Counter. Nor shallthe Library be held responsible for any loss or damage to the property. So deposited through every care will be taken for its security at the counter. The Attendant at the counter is authorized to examine everything that passes into or out of the Library.
- The loss of token shall be reported to the Librarian Immediately and the replacement the patrons.
Photocopying Facilities:
- Photocopying facility is available to the bonafide Graduate Students of the College at nominal Cost.
Reading Room Conventions and Suggestions For Using Book:
Reading Room Convention:
Readers are requested to:
- Leave their belongings, like umbrellas, files, and books etc. with the Attendant on duty at the Counter and receive from him a token against the belongings at the counter.
- Return the token to the Attendant before collecting the belongings, while leaving the Library.
- Bring only note-book or paper inside the Library.
- Not to disturb the order of the books on the shelves.
- Leave books on the Reading Tables after use.
- Not to sprinkle ink on the floors of the Library.
Suggestions for Using Books:
- Pulling a book from the shelf by holding the spine will damage its binding. If the shelf is packed, push further with your fingers the two books adjacent to the one you need. It will be easy then for you to pick up the books you want without damaging its binding.
- In case you have to leave your table for referring to a dictionary or any other Reference work, while reading, please do not leave the book open on the table.
- The Students of Graduate Departments shall after the examination is over. Names of the students from whom books are due will be reported to the Principal for College to with hold their Marks Card.
- In the event of any doubt or dispute arising in the interpretation of these rules, the decision of the Library advisory board is final.
Sl. No. | Category of Borrowers | No.of Books | Duration of Loan |
1. | Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor respectively: a) Professors/Associate Prof b) Asst. Lectures |
10 10
One Month One Month
2. | Students: a) Students b) SC, ST, & OBC Students |
03 02
7 Days 1 Semester
3. | Non-Teaching Staff a). Officers (O.S. & above) b). Clerical Staff c). Class IV employees (those who have passed SSLC & above) |
02 01 01 |
1 Month 15 Days 15 Days
4. | Others: 1) Members of the various bodies of the College
| 02 | 1 Month |
Library Collection:
Sl.No | Name | Quantity |
1 | Total Books | 29957 |
2 | Reference Books | 450 |
3 | Magazines | 16 |
| Journals | 08 |
4 | News Papers | 12 |
5 | CDs & DVDs | 450 |
6 | SC/ST Books | 366 |
7 | Donated Books | 323 |
8 | UGC Books | 9427 |
9 | GENERAL & NEP-Books | 17276 |
Digital Library
Easy Lib – Library Access:
N-List Here you can access 6,000+ ejournals and 31,35,000+ ebooks of various disciplines
NDL –National Digital Library is arranged to provide all academic levels, all disciplines and all popular forms
MOOC– Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are free online courses available for everyone to enroll, MOOCs provide an affordable and flexible way to learn new skills advance your career and deliver quality educational experiences at scale.
SWAYAM SWAYAM- is a programme initiated by Government of India. The objective of this effort is to take the best teaching learning resources to all. SWAYAM seeks to bridge the digital divide for students untouched by the digital revolution and have not been able to join the mainstream of the knowledge economy.
Shodhganga – The Shodhganga provides a platform for research students to deposit their Ph.D. theses and make it available to the entire scholarly community in open access
DOAJ- 10000 open access journals covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social science and humanities.
e-PG PATHSHALA– E content for PG courses
Non Book Collection:
Sl.No | Magazine Name |
7 | CSR |
12 | JOB NEWS |
14 | KASTURI |
16 | MAYURA |
19 | SALAR |
23 | SUDHA |
24 | TARANGA |
25 | THE WEEK |
26 | TUSHARA |
28 | YOJANA |
29 | YOJANA |
News Paper
Sl.No | News Paper Name |
13 | THE HINDU |
14 | THE HINDU |
17 | VARTHA |
Electronic Books: | ||
Sl.No | Title | Url |
1 | Springer Link | |
2 | Proquest E-book Central | |
3 | Mint Books (Kannada) Digital Knowledge Project | |
4 | World Technologies e-books | |
5 | South Asia Archive | |
6 | NDLI (National Digital Library of India | |
7 | World e-book Library |
Electronic Journals | ||
Sl.No | Title | Url |
1 | Indian Academy of Science | https://www.ias.ac.in/Journals/Overview/ |
2 | CSIR- NISCAIR | http://www.niscair.res.in/periodicals/researchjournals |
3 | SAGE Journals | https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/journals |
4 | Economic & Political Weekly | https://www.epw.in/ |
5 | Indian Journals | https://www.indianjournals.com/ |
6 | Springer Link & Nature | https://link.springer.com/ |
7 | American Chemical Society | https://pubs.acs.org/?cookieSet=1 |
8 | J-Stor | https://www.jstor.org/ |
9 | Oxford University Press | https://global.oup.com/?cc=in |
10 | Taylor & Francis | https://think.taylorandfrancis.com/journals-access-under-eshodhsindhu-consortium/ |
11 | Web of Science | https://www.webofscience.com/wos/woscc/basic-search |
12 | Elsevier Open Access Journals | https://www.elsevier.com/en-in/open-access/open-access-journals |
13 | Nature | https://www.nature.com/ |
14 | ShodhGanga ETDs | https://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in:8443/jspui/ |
15 | ASCE Journals Online | https://ascelibrary.org/journals |
16 | ASME Journals | https://www.asme.org/publications-submissions/journals/find-journal |
Open Sources, E-Prints and Archives | ||
Sl.No | Title | Url |
1 | e-books, Servants of Knowledge (Regional Languages) | |
2 | Pustaka Sanchaya Project (Kannada) | |
3 | Open Access e-books | |
4 | Open Access Journals | |
5 | Public Knowledge Project | |
6 | Indian Institute of Science, Library & Information Science |
Career Information Resources: | ||
Sl.No | Title | Url |
1 | UGC-NET Exam | |
2 | UGC ? NET Exam Application | |
3 | UGC-NET Old Question Papers | |
4 | CSIR- UGC NET | |
5 | Competitive Exam | |
6 | Karnataka Public Service Commission (KPSC) | |
7 | Karnataka Examination Authority (KEA) | |
8 | Indian Administrative Service (IAS) | |
9 | Indian Forest Service (IFS) | |
10 | Bank Examinations | |
1 | SBI Probationary Officers Exam | |
2 | Reserve Bank of India-Officers? Exam | |
3 | National Defence Academy | |
4 | Indian Army | |
5 | Indian Air Force | |
6 | Life Insurance of India – Exam | |
7 | Staff Selection Commission (SSC) |
Job Vacancies
1 Employment News
2 Online Job Portals-Naukri
3 Online Job Portals- Fresher?s World
Services & Facilities
- Library Staff & Committee
- Rules & Regulations
- Available Services
- Circulation service
- Library Collection
- Reference service
- Non Book Collection
- Current Awareness Service
- Digital Library
- User orientation service
- Inter library loan service
Available Facilities
- Competitive Exam Guidance
- Internet facility
- Events and Photos
- Reading rooms facility
- Open access facility
- Employment Zone
- SC/ST Book bank facility
- Question paper facility
- News paper clippings
- Question Bank
- Reading space for staff
- Book return box facility
- Facility of ID card on the day of admission